Restlessness and a hunger for adventure have been crucial elements in the world of Naheli right from the beginning. From Egypt to Germany, from a solo project to a full band and later back again - Naheli is continuously on the move, soaking up ideas like a creative sponge that isn't afraid to take turns and detours.

For her, every human being is the same. Yet every human being is influenced by her thoughts, upbringing, cultural background and surroundings. Naheli is the attempt to search for those connections and differences, and you can hear that in the music as well.

Her songs invite the listener to detach themselves from reality, drift into a meditative state while also moving them on a deeply emotional level. And of course, it's this distinctive voice that carries all this weight and makes it seem less heavy.

For as long as she can remember, the songwriter was singing, and at the age of 12, she started writing her first songs, without really seeing it as "writing "songs. "It was more like the songs just came out of me and chose me as a tool to be created," she explained.

Naheli's love for music goes beyond the performance; it has always been about the songs and their creation. It's about finding the right words, the fitting melodies and seeing the whole thing develop a life of its own. And this love for the craft really shows in a song like "Empire" which is an anthem to those diremptions, questioning the realities perceived by individual beings.

The dynamic and fluent character of Naheli’s musical nature finds a fitting musical home on the debut double album “Chemistry & Reevaluation”. It explores essential and existential emotions of human nature with one side focusing on feelings while the other one is dealing with the reflective notion of the artist’s inner thoughts. Partly separated by sound the songs are connected in spirit and present a songwriter that has freed herself from genre limitations and isn’t afraid to show her scars, personal origins and love for grand gestures as well as irresistibly catchy pop melodies. “Chemistry & Reevaluation” might be the end of a long journey but it feels only like the first step for Naheli.





“The songs present a songwriter that has freed herself from genre limitations and isn’t afraid to show her scars, personal origins and love for grand gestures as well as irresistibly catchy pop melodies.” (Norman Fleischer, NBHAP)

Experimentierfreudig und rastlos - von Ägypten nach Europa, von einer klassischen Band, zu einem Duo mit Schlagzeug und Klavier, aber manchmal auch solo nur mit Mikrofon und Laptop ausgestattet, um lediglich mit einem Rucksack die Welt bespielen zu können: Naheli ist konstant in Bewegung und schreckt dabei nicht davor zurück, neues auszuprobieren und dafür Umwege in Kauf zu nehmen. 

Naheli betrachtet jeden Mensch gleich und beobachtet dabei trotzdem den Einfluss individueller Gedanken, kultureller Herkunft und anderer Hintergründe. Die Suche nach diesen menschlichen Unterschieden und Zusammenhängen ist in der Musik und den Texten von Naheli zu hören.

Die cinematischen Lieder laden ein Realitäten zu hinterfragen und in einen meditativen Bann zu driften. Die warme Stimme der Sängerin und die hypnotischen Impulse des Schlagzeugs, können bei dem ein oder anderen Zuhörer nostalgische Rührung auslösen.

Das Debut Doppel-Album “Chemistry & Reevaulation” (2021) dreht sich um die existentielle Dualität des Menschseins: Chemistry – voller Pop, Träumerei und Disco Vibes – handelt von Gefühlen. Reevaluation – mit progressiven Elementen, arabischer Nostalgie und einem Hauch Science-Fiction – handelt von Gedanken und unterschiedlichen Perspektiven.